Lessons from the Grave

#WinterABC23 #Day16 #LessonsLearned

More lessons

In the darkness of the grave, where silence dwells,
Lies a treasure trove, where wisdom swells.
Lessons learned from those who’ve gone before,
Whispered secrets, guiding forevermore.

From the depths of soil, where bodies rest,
Life’s truths emerge, a profound bequest.
For in death’s embrace, we find clarity,
Teaching us to embrace life’s rarity.

One, of Time’s relentless stride,
The ticking clock, never to subside.
From the grave we learn, there’s no delay,
To seize the moment, make the most of today.

Two, of love that never ceases,
Even in death, it echoes and increases.
Cherish those dear, hold them close and near,
For love transcends the grave’s austere.

Three, of dreams unfulfilled,
Whispered regrets, like the wind in a field.
From the grave we learn, to dare and pursue,
To live with passion, dreams to pursue.

Four, of forgiveness and grace,
In the end, resentment has no rightful place.
Release the shackles of anger and strife,
Embrace compassion, and let go of strife.

Five, of legacy and fame,
In the grave, all worldly accolades are the same.
What truly matters, is the impact we leave,
In hearts and minds, so our spirits may cleave.

Six, of the fleeting nature of life,
Moments slip away, like sand through a sieve.
From the grave we learn, to savor each day,
To find solace in beauty, along the way.

So heed these lessons, whispered in the grave’s domain,
Let them guide you, your perspective to reframe.
For in the darkest depths, wisdom is found,

Lessons from the grave, forever profound!



I am the Lioness Arising

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