29/32 – Asante 2 (Reflecting on Year 31)


Today,  I celebrate the people who were instrumental in my life in the year 31. God used these people to prepare and propel me to the next level.

Friends: They are the pillars of strength, the voices of reason, and the embodiment of love. Through their unwavering support, encouragement, and prayers, they have been my guiding stars. Their generosity knows no bounds, always ready to extend a helping hand or offer a word of affirmation. Their mention of my name in rooms brimming with opportunities speaks volumes of their belief in me.

Pastors: Serving as my spiritual guardians, they have nurtured my soul with love and grace. Their guidance has been a beacon of light during moments of uncertainty, providing solace and wisdom in times of need.

Colleagues and Employers: In the realm of work, I am blessed to be surrounded by individuals whose generosity knows no bounds. Their willingness to share insights, impart wisdom, and foster growth has transformed the workplace into a sanctuary of learning and collaboration. Their mentorship has not only enhanced my professional acumen but has also instilled a sense of purpose and fulfillment in my endeavors.

Mentors: They are the architects of my aspirations, the catalysts of my growth. With unwavering belief in my potential, they have challenged me to push beyond my limits, to strive for excellence relentlessly. Their guidance has not only opened doors to new opportunities but has also propelled me closer to realizing my dreams.

Family: Amidst life’s whirlwind, my family stands as an unshakable fortress of love and support. Their unconditional love, protection, and guidance have sculpted me into the person I am today. In their embrace, I find solace, strength, and boundless joy.

Online Audience: To my invaluable supporters, scattered across the digital landscape, I extend my deepest gratitude. Your unwavering support, engagement, and feedback fuel my passion and drive to create. Your presence reminds me that my journey is not solitary but shared, enriched by our connection and mutual growth.

Clients: To those who entrust me with their aspirations and dreams, I am eternally grateful. Your belief in my abilities fuels my determination to exceed expectations, to deliver excellence with every endeavor. Your patronage is not merely a transaction but a testament to our shared journey towards success.

In closing, as I reflect on the journey of my life, I am humbled by the abundance of love, support, and blessings bestowed upon me by these remarkable individuals. Their presence enriches my journey, infusing each moment with gratitude and grace. Today, I celebrate them not just with words but with a heart overflowing with appreciation and love.

Remember those that help you and thank them


I am the Lioness Arising

I can also be found on Twitter , LinkedInFacebookTiktok and Instagram  ♥️♥️♥️

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