31/32 – Lessons learned by Thirty Two -2


Trust in God, He is faithful.

Sow seeds of generosity, first because it is your original nature inherited from your creator and secondly, you will enjoy the fruits.

Find out your place in people’s lives and act accordingly, the peace you shall enjoy after that will always be unmatched.

Read through any document more than twice before signing it. If possible seek legal guidance too. You don’t want to sell yourself short or lose your wealth.

Learn to forgive, it is healing to both your soul and muscles.

Eat your food when you can, one day you will need the calories produced from it.

Pray about everything and for everything. No prayer goes unanswered.

If possible, abstain from sex till marriage, it will save you from so many unnecessary thoughts and hypertension.

No one is coming to save you per say, you have work to do on yourself, get up from the pain sit and get going. Do something towards you getting better.

Time is your friend, make every second count.

Money is your friend, steward your relationship with it frugally.

Drink your water and mind your business at all times. This will save you from many troubles.

Keep those happy games you loved from childhood, they could be your antidepressants in old age for example dancing for fun.

Regardless of how much you love someone, if he or she does not love you back, respect yourself enough to let go. You cannot afford hurting yourself in the name of love.

Take care of your body, it helps you achieve all your dreams.

Once in a while take a walk, you will see life from a different angle. Your skin and heart will appreciate it too.

Learning is a lifelong habit!


I am the Lioness Arising

I can also be found on Twitter , LinkedInFacebookTiktok and Instagram  ♥️♥️♥️

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