32/32 – Happy birthday J


Dear J,

Happy birthday to me

Happy birthday sis!
You’re highly favored and loved.
32 is here and all I wish for you are beautiful and glorious experiences.

You need to learn to surround yourself with the right people at the right time. Have friends, mentors and colleagues and be flexible and ready to change given new conditions and while at it, be graceful.

Remember that you are strong and courageous. You can get back up from tough situations and occurrences. God got you and Please keep up the spirit of Expecting and thinking possibilities as you transverse this life.

I love you J
And surely goodness and mercy will follow you always
You are the redeemed of the Lord and the blessing of Abraham is working for you now
You are a fruitful vine near a well and your branches climb over the wall.

Take care of your health. Take those walks, runs and always visit different health specialists on a regular basis for examinations. Yes, visit your dentist, nutritionist…

Learn to take time off different things to have better perceptions and reduce anxiety. You need time off gadgets, food and other activities just to reset and refresh. Value your resting times because they prepare you for your next assignment.

And in all your dealings, stand true to your word and try to tell the truth. Always endeavor to do the right thing regardless and carry patience with you be it with yourself or at your workplace.

Happy birthday J🥳



I am the Lioness Arising

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