30/32 – Lessons learned by Thirty Two -1

#30of32 Work so hard to get out of debt and stay out of it. When stuck, ask for help not a loan to fix it. Make decisions and be ready to live the consequences of them. Vengeance belongs to God, who created us. As a human being you have no business participating in revenge. Do…

28/32 – Asante 1(Reflecting on Year 31)

#28of32 As I sit down to reflect on the past year, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible spaces that have shaped my journey. Each place, a unique blessing from God, has played a vital role in my growth, both spiritually and personally. KIN Church: At KIN Church, I find more than just a…

27/32 – The Power of Visualization

#27of32 Visualization  Is a powerful tool that can help individuals clarify their goals, connect emotionally with them, and ultimately, achieve success. When we visualize our goals, we create a detailed mental image of what we want to accomplish, allowing us to focus our energy and efforts towards making them a reality. However, visualization goes beyond…

26/32 – Some facts about me

#26of32 A factIs a thing that is known or proved to be true about someone/something/somewhere…Here are a few facts about me I love; Dark things or themes. I don’t mind having black for everything…Light colors traumatize me. They are too busy for me… Who knows, I might even do a black wedding gown when that…


#30 #CelebratingLife Growth is a must in my world, I can’t afford to stay the same year in and year out and the last 12 months came with lots of growth opportunities for me to become a better version of myself. Below are lessons and experiences that have shaped my growth as a person; ♥️…