8/32 – Potential



This is unexposed ability and latent power. Potential is not what it is but what could be.It is always present and waiting to be unleashed.

Whenever I think of this principle,many questions run through my mind for example;

  • Who am I?
  • How much potential do I have?
  • What am I capable of doing?
  • By what criteria should I measure my ability?
  • Who sets the standards?
  • By what process can I maximize my ability?
  • What are my limitations?

Trying to answer the above questions brought me to the conclusion that, “I am more than what I have done! ” considering the truth that God created everything with potential.

Dr. Munroe also emphasized that what you have done is no longer your potential; Potential also demands that you never settle for what you have achieved because it makes you lose the possibility of revealing what is really inside of you.

One day I asked myself; What would the world have lost if I was not born? What will the world lack because I have failed to live out my potential?

There and then, I was reminded that people who die without achieving their full potential rob their generation of their ability and to die with potential is irresponsibility…. This raised my eyebrows and I started thinking deeply about discovering the true me.

Ever since then, I have purposed to use the power and strength within me for the good of others and myself. I intend to release my ability be it singing,writing ,painting,drawing or teaching among others before i die. My major goal is to die empty!!!!!!..

Therefore, you need to strike out on new paths and avoid travelling on torn/worn paths of accepted success if you are to progress in life.

“Let us count it a vice in our virtue not to do more than we are asked to do.

“What you see is not all there is; there is something in everything! ”

“Everyone is either a creator of fact or a creature of circumstance.”

👆👆👆 are inspirations from the book-UNDERSTANDING YOUR POTENTIAL by Dr. Myles Munroe.


I am the Lioness Arising

I can also be found on  Twitter , LinkedInFacebookTiktok and Instagram  ♥️♥️♥️

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