2021 #Bearing_Fruit #Because #I_choose_to_abide #Joy

Hello !! Hello !!

I come back here with our monthly stock taking🤗🤗🤗
July was a beautiful month! It was a beautiful start to the second half of the normal year. In my personal year, July is the third month and it came with beautiful endings to certain seasons and assignments. It was also a rest month for me and thanks to Martin – my little bro who kept this blog alive. Thank.

The pandemic is still around in Uganda and one of my close friends was hit by the ‘rona’ in July and later healed fully. For this and many other healings, I thank God. In addition, the 42days lockdown was also partially lifted on 31st July and this has seen people get back to movements and businesses whilst following all the various measures to prevent getting infected with the virus. I too can now visit my friends.
Otherwise this is how July unfolded in my world;

I was;

Loving: The time I spend alone with God. Specifically, for July, I was working towards making a final decision about a personal issue and this got me into many meetings with God. Such moments came with lots of tough love, laughter, revelations and encouragement. I enjoyed each of the meetups because God’s presence comes with healing and peace.

Making: More time for my available friends. I have since learned that what matters in the end are the people you love and those that love you back. At the end of the day, all I want is a good conversation with a friend or a friend showing up for me and vice versa. So while I still can, I am prioritizing my friends, they have time allocated to them in my daily schedule accordingly.

Eating: Lots of matooke with either beef stew or groundnut paste. It is my go-to food in absence of Irish potatoes.

Drinking: Lots of ‘Bushera‘ (warm millet porridge diluted with boiled water) This helps with my hydration in addition to the water I drink. It also helps keep my blood levels normal.

Reading: Many interesting books and blogs. My best book was The War of ART by Steven Pressfield. It was recommended by one of my best friends and trust you me it got me questioning many decisions in my life. I look forward to our discussion on it with this my friend. My best quote from it was, “Creative work is not a selfish act or bid for attention on the part of the actor. It is a gift to the world and every being iin it. Do not cheat us of your contribution. Give us what you have got!”

July reads

Listening: To many sermons and worship songs. At the beginning of the month, I committed myself to listen to a sermon each day as a way of building my spirit man. This has helped me understand this walk of life better especially with the revelations, encouragements and life experiences these vessels of God share.

Watching:  The Blacklist Series, Nigerian movies and WhatsApp statuses of my phone contacts. It is interesting how such statuses are full of humor, information and entertainment. Nigerian movies evoke all kinds of emotions out of me and I love the fact that I can relate to most stories.

Following:  Dr. Eunice Adubango, Jackie Hill Perry and Ada Ehi Moses, these women are a power house. God is using them to minister to specific parts of my life story and I can only be glad.

Creating: More content for my social media platforms, blog and lessons

Wishing: I could move into my new home soon. There are many productive plans that I have made for such a space given that it has been a hustle achieving them while here where I stay currently. I also love having independent spaces!

Wasting: No time on unavailable people. I can only push till I cannot push anymore. Each day that passes, I believe the fact that if one is interested in someone/something, one will show up for him/her/it. Interest, commitment and availability are related.

Hoping: That life keeps getting better and better for us. I live with the hope that the latter shall be greater.

Wondering: Why human beings struggle with decision making. Of late, it is common to find people who are comfortable living in assumptions or leading fuzzy lives without making the decisions they ought to make.

Bookmarking: Quotes from the books I read and lessons from the sermons I listen to

Marveling: At the loving and caring hand of God. He is my ever present help in time of need. He is my Shepherd, and I shall not want.

Making a Toast: To life and beautiful friendships. I love you Bolaji, Murriel, Bruce, Wonani and Pollet. You make my life full of fun and wiser.

Thankful:  To God for the various opportunities He has blessed me with to serve my gifts to the world.

Noticing:  How God protects me daily from all kinds of sicknesses, evil, betrayal and harm. The rate at which He exposes people’s hearts and intentions,🤔I can only stand in awe and thank Him especially when I consider the fact that I am that person who loves clarity. Knowing the people I do life with helps a lot.

Knowing: That I am loved, more than I could ever think, imagine or know. All my life, I have constantly received love in all forms.

Smelling:  An outburst of healings in Uganda and the world at large. I am tired of seeing nations in pain.

Asking God: For wisdom, love filled relationships, opportunities to create wealth for both my friends and I.

Looking forward to:  Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. This is a season of new beginnings for me and joy in abundance. The Lord is doing a new thing, He is opening new and closed doors and I can perceive it.


Is here and I look forward to the mighty works God is doing through my life. God is up to something and I believe He has crowned me with glory and honor. I shall testify of the Lord’s goodness and His glory over my life in this season.

And to you my friends,

As we start this month of August, I pray that you receive good news and obtain favor from God and even before men. May you keep shining your shine and just for you to note; Victory is closer than you can ever think. Do not lose hope!!


Thanks for always supporting me by reading my work, liking, commenting, advising and sharing.
I also inform you with great joy that I have committed to being consistent with sharing on this platform and this comes with changes that is; I shall keep posting here weekly on Fridays. I look forward to you always delving into the weekend with a piece to read and munch on from yours truly!

Until next week, stay safe and keep hoping for the best. Victory is closer!

I love you!

I am the Lioness Arising
©Words from the Pot

I can also be found on Twitter , Instagram and Facebook❤️❤️❤️

35 Comments Add yours

  1. Kalanguka Martha says:

    Try warm millet porridge diluted with amate)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. justynlove says:

      That gives me an increase in weight though it’s my favorite… So i am off it😅

      Thanks for reading 🤗🤗🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Samuel Casa says:

    Powerful to have friends that matter.

    “Do to others just what you want them to do for you”
    I love this

    Liked by 2 people

  3. It’s great to hear that your friend fully recovered! Love the quote you shared, that creative work is a gift and contribution. Love the photography and the Love hoodie! Thank you for your inspiring words and positivity💖✨.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. justynlove says:

      Wow my dear, thanks so much for the kindness

      Thanks too for read…, 🤗🤗🤗

      And yes, creativity is our gift to the world

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 🤗🤗🤗 You’re welcome! Wholeheartedly agree with you💝🎁!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow, I’m glad I was part of all this, thanks for hosting me, and may God keep channeling his love through you

    Liked by 2 people

    1. justynlove says:

      Amen bro… Fat love to you


  5. And remember, one good turn deserves another 😏😏😏😏

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Tim says:

    This is quite detailed nowonder it is called stock taking. I’m not sure how much I can remember from July but let’s blame my age 🤭.

    Keep going mukwano!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. justynlove says:

      Stop it! Lol… Your age should be set free from the blame😅

      Thanks for passing by and reading…


  7. Bolaji Gelax says:


    I love you too, my Lover! Thanks for the dates and gists and laughs and love 🤗🥰

    Nigerian movies are starting to do well. Of course, I’m biased because I’m now fully in the industry 🤭.

    You already know I love your stock taking. It’s quite admirable what you do with it. Love ya!


    Liked by 2 people

    1. justynlove says:

      Love you too…. It’s even time for our date… Off to the call .. let’s catch up on this life🤗🤗🤗🥰

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Good piece.Thank God for the that healing case of your friend.

    Keep writing, you are gifted!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. justynlove says:

      Amen. I am glad my Friend healed. Thanks for the encouragement…


  9. From Zimbabwe we are still hoping for a lift of these lockdown measures.We want to back to Church
    Pray for us!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. justynlove says:

      Even here, churches are still closed. Online services are the order of the day


  10. Wonani says:

    I look forward to reading these every month!!

    It’s so exciting seeing what’s been going on with you and what God is doing in your life.

    I love you too Justine! God bless the day we contacted each other.

    May your August be full of joy, blessings, hope and all the good things.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. justynlove says:

      🤗🤗🤗you are the energy i needed… Thanks my dear for always reading…

      And always checking on me.

      Amen to the prayers for August


  11. tcndangana says:

    We need to be grateful for the small little things❤and I am hopeful that God will heal the world. All the best in August

    Liked by 2 people

    1. justynlove says:

      August shall be better.

      Thanks for reading


  12. Khanani Daniella says:

    Loved this!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. I will be checking out some of the books in this post. Sound like something I would need especially on making decisions. Great post. On to August!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. justynlove says:

      Thanks so much…

      Yes, you should read some of those books.
      I believe you shall be inspired…

      Into August


  14. Banange Jackie Hill 😭😭😭😭😭 & Eunice 😭😭

    Liked by 2 people

    1. justynlove says:

      Those women
      God is using them to better me


  15. I absolutely love your stock-taking series. Iam encouraged to do them more often 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. justynlove says:

      Awww🥰🥰🥰 thanks for the love and support. Cheering you on as you do yours

      Liked by 1 person

  16. I like the style of this post. It allows us a glimpse into your life and serves as a bit of a diary for you. Fun!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justynlove says:

      Thanks so much for the compliments.

      Thanks for reading

      Liked by 1 person

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