Money Matters -2


Hello Lovely People!
How is February ???
I hope and pray today is better than yesterday…

Today, I continue with part 2 of the Money matters Series. Part 1 can be read here. Part 2 entails the different principles that ought to be followed when dealing with money. These are principles I have learned from reading books, hearing different people talk about them, and are those that I am practicing as I seek to be a better financial steward.

Financial / Money Principles to live by

Money is a medium of exchange for goods and services and it enables one to get wealthy. When dealing with money, some principles ought to be cultivated if money is to be of great benefit and these include the following;

• Get it:

This is mainly through working and this helps in solving problems. Many speakers have stated how money is a payment for solving problems and I believe so. You need to find out a problem to solve and you shall watch money come your way. A question for you; What problem are you solving?
God promised to bless the work of your hands and therefore get working, get problems to solve, get money.
For example, a chef solves the cooking problem and gets paid, a builder solves the constructing problem and gets paid money for it…You can’t get money if you’re engaging in cheap talk or chatter. Get your hands and mind busy and get paid for the solution you offer.
Get money!

• Guard it:

Guarding is more like protection and preserving and when it comes to money, this calls for proper spending and saving.
Proper guarding of money involves you spending wisely, saving for investment, and also emergencies.
I guard my money by using percentages to distribute the money I receive as shown below.
I allocate
10% – Tithe
20% – Savings and investment
10% – Compassion
10% – Dreams
10% – Celebration
40% – Needs
I also have so far three accounts to help me separate the amounts of money. These percentages guide me in managing my budgets and catering to the various needs.
Budgets and expenditure percentages are good to help us in guarding these amounts of money we have access to. If you don’t guard money, it will run away.

Work and Manage

• Grow it

Because living things grow, our money too needs to grow. One of the best ways to grow money is to invest it.
We are always advised to invest in ventures we fully understand. Therefore before you invest take note of the following;
• You understand the venture and its operations
• It’s a profitable venture
• You know people who have done it before
• You have the right information about it and are at peace.
Like it is said in Uganda, ‘tekka sente wolaba‘ loosely meaning invest money wisely.
When you invest money, it multiplies and grows to better amounts that will help you achieve your bigger dreams.

• Give it.

Giving is another aspect of financial management. Generosity is repentance from poverty that is; changing from a poverty mindset to a prosperity mindset. Giving is the faith key that unlocks what God has already provided for us and we can only give depending on how much we appreciate the love of God for us.
When we give, we do not move God into providing for us but rather get involved in what He has already done for us in Christ Jesus.
We should give with a mindset that we are kings and generosity is the culture and practice of kings!
Be generous by sharing some of your money. Give to causes that will transform people and the world at large. Above all, give towards God too.
As you give, remember to sow in fertile ground
Give with conviction and revelation.
A generous soul will always be watered!

Invest and share

Question for you;

Which of the above principles do you need to get better at?

Identify it and go ahead to put it into action.

Learn and act or you stay losing!

Just to Note:
You are better off nurturing your relationship with God. He is the true vine.


I am the Lioness Arising
©Gamba With J

I can also be found on Twitter , LinkedIn and Facebook❤️❤️❤️

8 Comments Add yours

  1. Thanks for sharing. Could you elaborate on dreams and celebration?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justine love says:

      Dreams are more to do with my life purpose and life goals

      Celebration is basically celebrating victory at a personal, family, friends and ministry levels.
      I set aside money for such moments


  2. Proverbs 11:25 teaches that giving is key …a generous soul will surely be watered, number 2 and 3 are still playing a number on me but we’ll get there…thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justine love says:

      You’re welcome bro


  3. Feel off the bandwagon and am relearning to grow it.

    Truly there is power in giving. That’s a big take away.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justine love says:

      True. Let’s keep giving


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